Friday, May 05, 2006

Absence makes the heart grow...fonder?

Hello all. I'd like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly apologize for my lengthy haitus from updating the Completely Spectacular Thirty Spokes Megablog. A busy Easter week, coupled with the tragic crash of my main hard drive and the resultant cursing and wringing of hands, started the non-blogging ball rolling. Since getting my computer back from the Best Buy service department, I've discovered that a rich, untapped multitude of lame excuses for not posting could be easily unearthed from the murky depths of my lazy slacker heart. Allergies, housework, spending time with baby Tenzin, work barbecues, helping dad-in-law Sal with re-roofing, etc etc etc blah blah blah. Of course, nobody cares. Because we all live busy lives, right?

So a month of not blogging comes and goes without a fancy monument or even the slightest concern of the blogosphere-at-large. C'mon, does anyone even know this thing exists? Outside of the handful of my brave best friends and patient family members, who log in once a week to see if Shawn has finally conquered his lifelong procrastination? Of course not.

But tonight I decided to call bullshit on myself. I was able to work all day, come home, eat dinner, and then mow the 75 shaggy and homely acres of our front yard (and not with any of these fancy riding mowers that all of my neighbors use, mind you) and I decided that a day filled with such triumphs could only be capped by adding tags and descriptions to a hundred new Flickr photos and then a short but thoroughly awesome and relevant blogpost. I got about halfway through the phototagging but I still made it here. Why? Because I care. That, and my ego absolutely requires its narcissistic expression on a regular basis or it will shrivel and die like the neglected spider plant on my bookshelf.

So welcome back, I guess, and thanks for dropping by. I will surely try to make it worth your while to stop by Thirty Spokes occasionally in your restless search for geek-sustenance. How? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that gushing posts about the unbearable cuteness of my kitty cats are as good a place to start as any. Feel free to leave comments here or drop me a line at dharmapunk 71 at hotmail dot com. Rock on, kids. It can only get better from here.

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